
Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Web Ellis

                   This photo is my vision of the web ellis cup. Last week we had to design the web ellis cup or make your own on a app called tinkercad. I made my vision of the web ellis cup.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Hapara Task

This Hapara task was on our contract that we had to complete and we got assesied on them. There were goals we had to achieve in our task to get points.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Should Mixed teams be allowed to play in the RWC?

I agree with this statement because I dont see whats so wrong about mixed team playing in the rwc.

Is it because you could get hurt or is it because you won't be as good as others? I think if you know you aren’t as tough as others don’t play because it will make others think about how others will react. For example, if a girl gets hurt the boys will think that all the girls will do that, and they wouldn't want them on their team.

If you think you might not be good enough, give it a try and know that not everyone is good at everything.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

My Holiday

My holiday was great I got to hang out with my cousin’s and go to the beach and build an underground bunker.

I slept at my nans house with my two cousins and my sister, in the morning my aunty took my sister and my cousin’s to town. I decided to go to the beach with my younger cousins. We went 30m down the beach on a trailer on the back of my uncles quad bike to get to where we wanted to go. First we slid down the sand dunes and began to build the bunker. It turned out to be amazing, it had seats and stair’s. I enjoyed going to the beach with my cousins.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Hurricane Dorian leaves behind a trail of destruction in its wake.

The Atlantic hurricane season, which spans from June the 1 st to November the 30th had been relatively calm us virgin island to the Bahamas and the US and Canadian east coast.

This hurricane is known for the name of Dorian.

Dorian appeared to be a harmless tropical wave off the coast of Africa on august 18th 2019.

A week later on the morning of August 24th the US national hurricane center classified Dorian as a tropical depression. Within eight hours Dorian witch was heading towards Puerto Rico had gained enough strength to turn into a tropical storm. For the Puerto Rico's who are still recovering from the aftermath of the hurricane maria on August 28th 2019.

It is clear now that Dorian is now officially a hurricane.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Ceasar Salad

This task is to pick a healthy meal you would make for your Whānau and find the total price for the healthy meal.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Last week I class we made news paper articles and I made one with Chris and Chloe we wrote about a gas station brings tragedy.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

“Should Matariki be a Public Holiday?”

I believe Matariki should be a public holiday because…. 

We have a public holiday for New Year, this is celebrated
on the 1st January every year.  

Maori have 355 days in their years cycle, it is known as
Matariki which means ‘Cluster of Stars’.  This is a time
to celebrate unity, kai, whanau, remembering loved ones
who have past and celebrating the future.  

Matariki allows Maori to keep connected with the 
environment which spiritually is very important in their
culture, these are things like the oceans and forests.

Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand,
I believe our Maori cultural beliefs should be
recognised and celebrated by all not just Maori.    

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Should students Who Commit Cyberbullying be Suspended from School?

“Should students who commit cyberbullying be suspended from school”.

I disagree with this statement because although they have done something wrong they won’t learn how to stop if you just suspend them, because they will probably just carry on. And now I will tell you why I think students should not be suspended for cyberbullying.

I believe if you suspend them they are just getting away with a free day off, and they are not learning what they did was wrong. Everyone has a right to learn even if they have done something wrong or not. The best thing to do is have a serious talk to them and make sure the know what they did was wrong. I believe if they carry on you should get their parents involved so that they can make a decision if they want their child to take a bit of time away from school.

I also believe that kids who have committed cyber bullying shouldn't be suspended because teachers can't do anything thing about it if they have done it out of school. I understand that if they’ve done it in school and during school hours that they should be suspended. I also think kids should not be suspended from school if they’ve committed cyber bullying because the majority of kids that are bullying others might be going through a rough time or aint in a good space at the moment and suspending won’t assure them that they’ve done something wrong.

I strongly disagree that kids should be suspended from school because even if someone's talked to them about their wrong action they might continue to do it out of school to the same person or someone else.

In my opinion the best thing that schools can do it talk to their parents and inform them about it.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Mahi Tahi Bottle Cars

At Mahi Tahi our challenge was to propel a bottle car at least 1 meter. First we had to make a bottle cat by using a plastic bottle, paper straws, skewers, jar lids, cardboard, rubber bands and one balloon. And there was also a hot glue gun station. The purpose of our Mahi Tahi task are for the teachers to see how well we work together. So far I have enjoyed Mahi Tahi and it is helping me communicate more with others.

Here are some bottle cars we made.☺

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Curves of pursuit.

Curves of pursuit

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

EMR Writing

EMR Writing
W.A.L.T: Explain what we have learnt trough our EMR snorkeling session.

In session 1 I enjoyed having a snorkeling session in the pool and learning how to keep your goggles clear, to do this you need to rub toothpaste on the inside of the goggles then rinse it out with water. What I found challenging was finding the right gear for snorkeling, like flippers and goggles, because it was a bit tricky to find what size I needed.

In session 2 we went to Matai Bay for snorkeling and it was terrific. I enjoyed going snorkeling and I am grateful that the weather was good. I found It challenging to walk backwards into the water with the flippers on.