
Monday, 10 December 2018

Camp Highlights

                    My Camp Highlights.

Last week the Year 5,6,7 and 8's went to camp at the Rarawa camp grounds but the year 5 went back home on Wednesday morning. We played a bunch of games but the best game we played was the...

Amazing race.

 The amazing race is when you get into a group and you have a list of things you need to do. The way you do these things is you have to find a parent and they will give you your task.

My five highlights about camp was when...

  • We went to the cape
  • When we went down the sand dunes
  • When we played the game called the Amazing race
  • We had to make up a skit or dance for our camp concert.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018


Image result for advent
Today in kakapo class we have been learning about what advent is and what are the symbols of Advent.

What is Advent?
Advent celebrates the returning of Jesus at the second coming. Advent is a season observed in many Christian churches. 

What are the symbols of Advent?
The main symbols of Advent is the candles placed on top of the wreath. Many Advent wreaths also have a white candle in  the center to symbolize the arrival of Christmastide.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018



Personification is a language feature which is sometimes used in poems. personification is a language feature about giving a personal nature or a human characteristics to something non-human.Here are my 3 personification.

  • The sun walked up to the sky
  • The plane stretched across the land
  • The Pogo stick jumped up and down

Friday, 16 November 2018

Poetry Writing

                      📖Poetry Writing📖

This week we are learning how to poetry write and hear is my work.

Christmas is near and theirs so much cheer.

Laughing and crafting being happy and chatty.

Santa comes here and leaves so much cheer.

Singing and playing trough out the whole year.

Presents and gifts don't matter at all its just about 

your family's joy.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Google docs Ninja Challenge.

Google Docs NINJA Challenge

Today we have played a game called the ninja challenge.
There are four different levels
There is

Level 1-White belt skills.

Level 2- Green belt skills.

Level 3-Red belt skills.

Level 4-Black belt skills.

These are the directions: Complete the following tasks to master Google Docs. You will demonstrate your mastery of most tasks in the right column unless it is blacked out. In that case, your skills will be applied to whole-document settings or other areas, and it is unnecessary to insert anything in the box. Complete all 4 levels to become a Google Docs Ninja!

This challenge is basically teaching us short cuts and other tips and skills we might not already know. Starting from level one it was pretty easy but then it got harder and harder , and that is good because that means it was working my brain. I really enjoyed this challenge.We saw this challenge from our buddy class last week.

Here is my work.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Athletic Zones

                       👑Athletic Zones👑

On Friday some of our school kids had athletics 
zones. I had made it into high jump,shot put and discus. It was a very hot day so I took my hat. Once I got to school I waited for the bell to ring.

We began to walk to kaitaia primary because that was were it was held.   Once we got there we set our tarpaulin out on the grass under the shade. I was thinking back to when we were training for this day.I felt so happy I made it into zones.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

The Incredible places about New Zealand.


New Zealand has a lot of beautiful places but the two that really stand out to me is Paihia and Kaitaia. Paihia is a incredible place because its a place were you can just relax and have some quiet time. And Kaitaia is just amazing because at the Te Ahu center it has a ships anchor that had been used way back in the days and sunk.  Kelly Tarlton actually helped to bring the anchor in!

Friday, 19 October 2018

my holidays.

My Holidays.
In the holidays my friend and i went to the movies.we watched a movie called the house with a clock in its walls. We walked to the cinemas from my mum's job.once we got there bought our tickets.

We waited a little while for the cleaner to clean the cinemas. And once they finished cleaning the cinemas we bought our food and we got a pretty good view. While we were waiting for the movie to start we were talking about how well our holidays went.

The movies had started it was so fun. we had a great time.

By Markayla.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

End of term reflection!!!!


This term has been great.

My highlights of this term is working on my contracts and learning new things. My Literacy goal is to work on my surface features witch means I have to practice my punctuation. When I learn new things I feel like I get better and better at it by practicing.
                           😎Practice Makes Progress😎

The thing I enjoyed the most this term was writing my own imaginative story about the moon.I enjoy playing and learning with my friends.

My math goal is to know my basic facts in my every day life.
And my personal goal is to problem solve.

Cant wait till next term.

Monday, 17 September 2018


W.A.L.T: Make animations.

In kakapo class we are learning to make animations with Mrs Davan. It is super fun and we love it.

Here is mine I hope you enjoy.

Thank you for watching.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

News paper article

News paper article

Today we are learning about how to create a news paper article.

We have learnt that in a news paper article you can not use the word I and we. And you have to make a catchy title to hook the reader. The first paragraph must include the 4 w's who,when,what and where.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Word of the day

Word of the day.

This week we have word of the day and for those who don't know what that is it is when we have a word each day and then we have to find out the definition,synonym and the antonym. After that you have to figure out the part of speech and then you have to put the word into a sentence. And we have this every day it is super fun. 

Wednesday, 5 September 2018



Last week on Friday the 31st of August  my class 
and I went down to the Te Ahu center to go ice-                                                                                      skating. We were going to walk but then it started                                                                                     to pour  down with rain, so then we decided to                                                                                           get help from parents. Once we got there we 


for the boys to put there gear on and after that girls

and I put our gear on. When I first stepped on the 

ice/plastic I felt like I was skating on real ice. 

I fell over like a hundred times until I got the hang

 of it, my friends helped me and stayed beside me 

at times. It was super fun we all had a great time.

Thursday, 30 August 2018

x-country run

                       🐄Cross Country🐄

One bright sunny day our whole school went to the cutlers farm for our whole x-country run.It was super fun and really muddy.We had went in order from year 1 to 8.

Thank you cutler family.

bread in a bag.

Making bread in a bag.

last week we made bread in a bag with our groups that our teacher put us in then we began to make the bread. First you have to put two cups of flour then one cup of warm water in your bag.Then you you have to knead it while in the bag (and that was pretty hard) After that you have to put one table spoon of sugar in then knead again but really carefully because the bag might rip.last but not least you have to put the yeast in to make it rise while in the oven. 

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Passion work

                         Passion work

This week we have a learn share and create task and we have to find something we really like and research about it, and i am recently looking for a new Zealand artist to research about. But when I find one i will make a piece of art inspired by a new Zealand artist.

Monday, 30 July 2018

Sandra silberzweig

                   😃Sandra Silberzweig😃

The first week of school we had been learning about Sandra Silberzweig, and the different patterns she uses in her art. And then we made our own abstract portraits using primary,complementary,secondary,warm and cold colors. We used all the different shapes and colors that Sandra Silberzweig uses and they all turned out amazing.Sandra Silberzweig lives with her husband and has two adult sons. The way art communicates to her is the sound,sight,touch,smell and taste.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

End of term reflection🐼

This term has been a great term we have learnt about lots like how to play kio rahi. And we have a craft club every Thursday and we have environment club on Friday.We have got an amazing play ground and we have got a swing to.Our learning is incredible we have a math and literacy contracts for each week.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Learning about matariki with whea Elle

On the 26 of June we learnt about matariki and made kawakawa balm. We went to piwakawaka class to learn about matariki with whea Elle. First whea Elle talked us through about what we were going to do for the past hour and a half. First we made the 12  stars out of string and then we watched whea  Elle make the kawakawa balm.And then we got told two of the matariki stories and after that we practice a song called No te Hohonutanga.

would you want to come along next time?

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

How to grow crystals.

At school we have science every Thursday and last week our class went to pukeko class  with Mrs Nichols. and we made crystals with pipe cleaners  and borax. All you need to do is....

  1. Stir borax in boiling water until its dissolved.
  2. Make a shape with pipe cleaners for the crystal to grow on.
  3. Hang your shape in the mixture and.... crystals will appear in 3-4 days later.
  4. Take out of the mixture and display on the wall. 

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Des Hunt.

On the 18th of June a book writer came into our school and des hunt was his name. We learnt about how to write a   successful story.and he showed us a science trick and he made the water change color. I enjoyed listening to des hunt and giving us advice on how to write a successful story.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

The one and only ivan


Did you know gorillas are nearly extended because of humans and their other threats.

Gorillas have 2 legs and arms  and have black fur and did you know gorillas walk on their  knuckles.

They eat plants,grass and leaves.And for fun they play on there tree.Gorillas could live from 35 to 40 years in the wild.

Gorillas live in rain forests,jungles and some live in zoos.

Did you know gorillas share half of their D.N.A with humans.

The history of or our land.

   1600’s                                              (first known encounter between maori                           and europeans)
Abel Tasman first sighted NZ on the 13th of december 1642.
On the 18th of december abel tasman and his crew anchored north of what is now Abel Tasman national park.
Four sailors were killed after a small boat was rammed by a waka.
Abel Tasman named the place where the small boat got rammed,”murderer bay” but now it is called “Golden Bay”.
In response, the Dutch shouted and blew their own trumpets. They then fired a cannon which lead to an angry reaction.