
Wednesday, 26 September 2018

End of term reflection!!!!


This term has been great.

My highlights of this term is working on my contracts and learning new things. My Literacy goal is to work on my surface features witch means I have to practice my punctuation. When I learn new things I feel like I get better and better at it by practicing.
                           😎Practice Makes Progress😎

The thing I enjoyed the most this term was writing my own imaginative story about the moon.I enjoy playing and learning with my friends.

My math goal is to know my basic facts in my every day life.
And my personal goal is to problem solve.

Cant wait till next term.

Monday, 17 September 2018


W.A.L.T: Make animations.

In kakapo class we are learning to make animations with Mrs Davan. It is super fun and we love it.

Here is mine I hope you enjoy.

Thank you for watching.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

News paper article

News paper article

Today we are learning about how to create a news paper article.

We have learnt that in a news paper article you can not use the word I and we. And you have to make a catchy title to hook the reader. The first paragraph must include the 4 w's who,when,what and where.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Word of the day

Word of the day.

This week we have word of the day and for those who don't know what that is it is when we have a word each day and then we have to find out the definition,synonym and the antonym. After that you have to figure out the part of speech and then you have to put the word into a sentence. And we have this every day it is super fun. 

Wednesday, 5 September 2018



Last week on Friday the 31st of August  my class 
and I went down to the Te Ahu center to go ice-                                                                                      skating. We were going to walk but then it started                                                                                     to pour  down with rain, so then we decided to                                                                                           get help from parents. Once we got there we 


for the boys to put there gear on and after that girls

and I put our gear on. When I first stepped on the 

ice/plastic I felt like I was skating on real ice. 

I fell over like a hundred times until I got the hang

 of it, my friends helped me and stayed beside me 

at times. It was super fun we all had a great time.